Posted by : ENCUnited Sunday, March 9, 2014

Prayer Challenge: 
Climb the Watchtower
"I will climb up to my watchtower and stand at my guardpost." 
Habakkuk 2:1
"Watchtowers served a variety of purposes in ancient culture-as built-in defense systems in the walls of ancient cities, as built-in pastures so shepherds could protect their flocks from wild animals, and as built-in vineyards for protection from thieves. Watchmen would climb into their watchtower, station themselves at their guard post, and scan the horizon for enemy armies or trading caravans. The watchmen were the first to see, and they saw the farthest. So it is for those who pray. Intercessors are watchmen and watch women. They see sooner and father in the spiritual realm. Why? Because prayer gives us a unique vantage point....Once again, there is nothing magical about circling something in prayer, but there is something biblical about it. There are times when we need to mark God's territory. We have to pray a perimeter around a promise God has put in our heart. We have to be willing to go in and not come out until God answers."
Mark Batterson-Draw the Circle
As we start the next phase (3 weeks) of our off season, we need to surround this team in prayer. We have a lot to accomplish in a short period of time. But this is the most important part as we lay the foundation for the fall season-our character.
"Fearlessly Reset the Course to Combat Drift"
"We have too many people in the program who have different agendas and self-interest. In all areas, we need to raise the bar-permantely, insist on maximum effort, call out non-adherents, quash mediocrity and enforce new thresholds of behavior. " Dave Brandt-Naval Academy Head Coach

Goals for this training period:
  1. Continue to assess our weaknesses-ATTACK the solutions
  2. Increase efficiency and skill execution-ATTACK training 
  3. Improve your vertical-ATTACK the retesting in 3 weeks
  4. Improve your speed and acceleration-ATTACK the retesting in 3 weeks
  5. Develop excellent speed, strength and agility training skills-ATTACK the workouts

"Filthy 50"
Complete 1 round and report time
10 minute dynamic warmup
  • 50 box jumps-24 in box
  • 50 Jumping pull-ups
  • 50 kettlebell swing
  • 50 walking lunges (25 each leg)
  • 50 knees to elbows
  • 50 push press-40lbs
  • 50 wall ball shots-20lbs
  • 50 burpees
  • 50 double unders (jump rope)

Barbell Complex
The Barbell Complex combines four strength and power moves performed back-to-back-to-back-to-back. You build full-body strength, explosive power and muscular endurance in less than a minute per set.
How To: Do six reps of High Pulls From the Floor, Power Cleans, Shoulder Presses and Bent-Over Rows with no rest between them. When you finish all four movements, don't put the bar down. Go back to the beginning of the circuit and perform five reps of each move. You’ll do a total of 44 reps before you put the bar down. That’s one set. Perform three sets, resting 60 to 90 seconds between them.
High Pulls from Floor
    Start with the bar on the floor
    Hold the bar with a slightly-wider-than-shoulder-width grip
    Keep your low back tight, move your chest over the bar and push your hips back
    Explosively jump up by fully extending your hips, knees and ankles, while forcefully shrugging your shoulders to propel the bar into the air
    Keep the bar close to your body as you pull it up to your chin with your elbows high
    Land on the ground with your knees bent
Lower the bar down the front of your body and squat down to return to the starting position

Power Cleans
    Start with the bar on the floor
    Hold the bar with a slightly-wider-than-shoulder-width grip
    Keep your low back tight
    Move your chest over the bar and push your hips back
    Explosively jump up by fully extending your hips, knees and ankles while forcefully shrugging your shoulders to propel the bar into the air
    Keep the bar close to your body as you pull it up to your chin with your elbows high
    Drop under the bar with your knees bent, catching the bar on the front of your shoulders with your elbows forward
    Extend your knees and hips to stand up
Lower the bar down the front of your body and squat down to return to the starting position

Shoulder Press
    Stand with your feet slightly wider than your hips
    Hold the barbell across your shoulders with a slightly-wider-than-shoulder-width grip
    Press the bar overhead until your arms are fully extended
    Keep your core tight and do not arch your back
    Lower the bar in control to your shoulders

Bent Over Rows
    Start with the barbell close to the floor
    Assume a hip-width stance
    Grasp the barbell with a shoulder-width grip
    Bend your knees slightly and bend at your waist until your torso is nearly parallel to the floor
    Pinch your shoulder blades together and pull your elbows back to row the bar to your chest
    Lower the bar to the starting position

TRX ABS 3 x 10 reps each

10 minute dynamic warmup
  • 100lbs Thrusters-15 reps
  • Run 200 meters
  • 80lbs Thrusters-20 reps
  • Run 400 meters
  • 60 lbs Thrusters-30 reps
  • Run 800 meters

Complete 1 set of forward pulls with 75 lbs, 1 set of backward pulls at 45 lbs. Rest. Increase weight and complete next 3 sets with increasing weight. Use proper form  

  • Sled Pulls-75-90 lbs-20 yd pull x 4-forward-30 sec rest between each
  • Sled Pulls- 45-60 lbs 20 yd pull x 4 backward- 30 sec rest between each
Go in to Exercise Phys Lab-turn on Wave Trainer located at front of classroom.
  • Single Leg Hamstring Bridge on Wave Trainer (located in Exercise Phys Lab). 3 x 30 seconds at 30hrz and high amplitude each leg
Return to Fitness Center and set up 24 in box and 30 in/36 and or 42 box
  • 3 sets of Progressive Box Drops: Start on 24 inch box, drop and hop on to 30 inch box for 2 reps, move to 2 reps at 36 inch box-bonus 1 rep at 42


Ideally, you should run this with 2-4 people and 2-4 treadmills. Be considerate of others. Do not do this on your own!
I want you to report what you were able to complete. Take pictures/videos!

3/14: Treadmill Complete 3 sets
TM #1 set incline at 15% and speed at 7.5 mph for 1 minute
hop on to next treadmill
TM#2 set incline at 10% and speed at 8 mph for 1 minute
hop on t next treadmill
TM #3 set incline at 5% and speed at 9 mph for 1 minute
hop on to next treadmill
TM #4 set incline at 0 and speed at 10 mph for 1 minute

Get off treadmill and start
Upper body exercises/Lower body exercises:
  • TRX Atomic push-ups 10 reps
  • 1 legged side hops.  5 with right, 5 with left-use 18 in box
  • Pull-ups 10 reps
  • Dyna disc volleys- 5 right 5 left
  • Kettlebell Swings 10 reps

2 minute rest between sets

3/21-Complete 4 sets of 3/11 Treadmill Workout

3/28-Kopion Challenge: This is to be done in groups of 3-5. No one can do this alone. It is a team/group competition. Who is the best individually as well as a group (take average)? Results will be posted on blog. 
5 minute warmup and dynamic stretch-be prepared.
Set treadmill to 11.2 mph. Goal is to reach 2 miles. Report time and distance (how far you made it). 

“Greatness is not a function of circumstance. Greatness, it turns out, is largely a matter of conscious choice, and discipline.” 
― Jim CollinsGood to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap...And Others Don't

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