Posted by : ENCUnited Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Day 16
Lord, Surprise Me
" The wind blows wherever it please."
John 3:8

"A few years ago, a rather routine staff meeting turned into a prayer meeting. All of our staff ended up on their knees. I ended up on my face on the floor. And I prayed a prayer that has been repeated hundreds of times since then. In fact, it has become a prayer mantra: Lord surprise us.
Every miracle, every blessing, every devine appointment has a genealogy. If we trace them back, we'll find a genesis prayer that set in motion the sovereign act of God....The Bible puts it bluntly: "you do not have because you do not ask God." If we don't ask, God can't answer."
Mark Batterson-Draw the Circle

Here is an excerpt from a new book that I have been reading. It is called Relentless-From Good to Great to Unstoppable written by Tim S. Grover. Tim has trained some of the greatest NBA players of all time-Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Dwayne Wade, Charles Barkley just to name a few. Grover gives a behind the scenes look at how he helped train these players to the top of their game. 

"Navy SEALS are Cleaners. They lock in on their mission and stop at nothing to execute it; they know what has to be done, and get it done. They expect to succeed, and when they do, they never celebrate for long because there's always more to do. Every accomplishment is just a stepping-stone to the next challenge; as soon as they've hit their target, they are already stalking their next conquest. Most of their work is done quietly behind the scenes, alone, without fanfare or glamour. Cleaners don't do it for show, they don't go through the motions. A true Cleaner never tells you what he is doing or what he is planning. You find out after the job is complete. And by the time you realize what he has accomplished, he is already moved on to the next challenge.
Why do I call them Cleaners? Because they take responsibility for everything. When something goes wrong, they don't blame others because they never really count on anyone else to get the job done in the first place. They just clean up the mess and move on."

I happened to see 2 great movies this week, Lone Survivor and Nelson Mandela's Long Walk to Freedom. Both movies are incredibly painful to watch. They are also incredibly inspiring. I would highly recommend both (language is pretty rough in Lone Survivor). In Lone Survivor, you see this brotherhood like I have never seen, among this group of Navy SEALS in Afghanistan. They have this willingness to endure an unbelievable amount of pain and sacrifice to accomplish their mission. They didn't want to let each other down....The Nelson Mandela story was filled with the same pain and sacrifice. He had a vision for his country. Mandela dedicated his life to fight racial oppression in South Africa and spent the majority of his life in prison as a result. He sacrificed everything for his vision and his vision changed the world.... I am going to pray for God to surprise me with this team. I want to do my part to prepare this team for this surprise because it is going to be amazing. God doesn't do boring. We all have to be willing to sacrifice to make this happen. I want this team to be "Unstoppable". 

{ 1 comments... read them below or add one }

  1. I see that you used my illustration on your page, I'm flattered!

    While I don't mind you using my image at all; it's important to me to have the image credited with the author; myself. I make a living by selling the work I do. :)

    It's part of a series of quotes I did on famous people. You can see more about the series here (and you can repost them if you like):


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