Posted by : ENCUnited Tuesday, May 20, 2014

2014 Men's Soccer
Next week, you will all be starting your preparation for the 2014 season. I wanted to share how members of the team responded to the question, "What does it mean to be All-In" on this 2014 team?

Here are some of the responses:

 "Being "All-in" as a member of the CU Men's soccer team means playing and using our talents in order to honor God. We need to follow the Foundational Principles on a daily basis, living Kopion when ever we get the opportunity. We just don't play soccer but we try to make a difference in others lives when we get the chance through Night of Nets, or anything along those lines to help. "
Senior Tristan Esprit

"I think being "All-In" means that you demonstrate the values that are written on the walls of the locker room on a daily basis on and off the field." Sophomore Eric Hamilton

"To me, being all in means being committed in every aspect of this program. It means to be 100% committed to our spiritual life, It means we have to be 100% committed to the classroom, It means we have to be 100% committed to the rules on and off the field, and that we have to be 100% committed to our teammates and our work that we do on the field. This does not mean that if we fall short on our goals we are not being committed. What decides if we are committed is how fast we get up from that fall and strive for success again." Senior Jeremy Grotenhuis

"To me being all in is something like jumping off the high dive. You aren't getting a feel for the temp of the water by poking your toe in but you are jumping "all in" from the highest point and trusting something amazing will come from it. This means workouts, practices, Bible studies, service projects and fund raisers and being a brother to every single person on the squad and being willing to literally put yourself before them in anyway that might better them. Sacrifice can build the strongest bonds within groups." Junior Blake Groll

"It means simply that. You are ALL-IN. You give everything you have for the program. You live up to the rules set in place by the athletic department as well as living up to the standards we have set for our program. You are fully invested in everyone involved in the program as well as the different events/programs we are involved in."  Senior Chris Buitenhuis

"To be all-in as a member of this team means that you love these guys and you would do anything to make them better, or anything you can to help them out. It means that every time were in the weight room or on the field that you are giving maximum effort. I also think it means that your all in for Christ. We attend a Christian university and if we don't have a mindset focused on glorifying Christ above everything else then the team is a failure."  Sophomore Garrett Nimmo

"Being all-in means you'll sacrifice for your team. You talked a lot about making the season special for seniors because they deserved it. I think this is a good example because if you are truly all -in you are playing for something much bigger than yourself. All-in means that what ever small insecurities we have should dissolve when it comes to making the team better. All-in means we live for each other and for God to do big things." Sophomore Reid Mitchell

"To be an ALL-IN member of CU men's soccer to me is to be 100% supportive of team goals. Not everyone has the same passions for things, but to support someone in their endeavors is something everyone can be good at. As a program there are things we need to be on the same page about. We all need to understand what this program is about and what it means to play for CU. For example, Night of Nets is something many players are passionate about, but just because some players may not be passionate about it does not mean they sit and watch. To be all in they should be out selling nets and spreading the word about NON. Not because it's that individual's passion, but because it's something we as a program are passionate about." Junior Josh Piovesan

"One way that we can ensure that the teams pursues and lives by the high standard is by all of us buying into the system we have for the team. Not taking it lightly but attacking it and going all out for each other and The Lord. We do it together, we grow close, and one way I think we can really do that is by all of us getting closer to Christ as a team and individuals. We aren't scared to talk with each other about our trails that we are going through and we have the trust for everyone that it will stay inside with the team only. If we are to really focus our team around Christ and for each other that would be very ensuring with me." Sophomore Nick Hopkins

"What do you think it means to be ALL-IN as a member of the CU Men's Soccer Community? sacrificing. I think we sacrifice some things like partying or other stuff for better things placed in front of us like brotherhood and real friendship. By sacrificing on the field we get better personally and push ourselves outside of comfort levels and DON'T SETTLE." Junior Regan Billings

"To me being all in is buying into the program. Doing your best to meet the expectations of the team on and off the field. Also like you have been saying being willing to go through a brick wall for your teammate. Caring about your team and teammates so much that you will do anything for them. This also means something else for me. To be all in for christ. Honoring him with our play and our actions on and off the field." Sophomore Josh Binnendyk 

"To be all-in means to support the mission of the team and do whatever is asked of them. Whether its doing good in classes, volunteering for a campus need, training hard and staying out of trouble."
Junior Mario Williams

Here is what Mark Batterson has to say about All-In. "The Gospel costs nothing. You can’t earn it or buy it. It can only be received as a free gift compliments of God’s grace. It doesn’t cost anything, but it demands everything. It demands that we go ‘all in,’ a term that simply means placing all that you have into God’s hands. Pushing it all in. And that’s where we get stuck—spiritual no man’s land. We’re afraid that if we go all in that we might miss out on what this life has to offer. It’s not true. The only thing you’ll miss out on is everything God has to offer. And the good news is this: if you don’t hold out on God, God won’t hold out on you." - See more at:

 The work starts next Monday. I will be posting information each day this week. Encourage and pray for each other.

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