Posted by : ENCUnited Sunday, June 7, 2015

I hope the week has been a good one and training is going well. Make sure you stay connected to the Captains and Leadership Council for any important updates. Please follow up on your PLAYNAIA, Eligibility and SWOL responsibilities.

Coach Bell

"Therefore, dear brothers stand firm.  Let nothing move you.  Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your WORK in the Lord is not in vain."  I Corinthians 15:57-58. Kopion.  It’s the Greek word used to describe the work talked about in this passage. The Greek language uses different words to describe the intensity of the work.  Kopion is the most intense form of labor, “giving yourself fully, KOPION. To put on a Cornerstone jersey means you agree to this standard.  In other words, we always leave it all out on the field and we always give fully and wholeheartedly.

Here is this week's note from Sophomore Caleb Colp....

We know where we belong…it just takes time.

I was on a run earlier this week and had this thought going through my head over and over again, I want to share it with you. We know where we belong as a team, we know where we belong as individuals, we know where we belong in our spiritual life; it just takes some time for us to get there.

Andy Stanley put it best in our summer read Visioneering, “Success is remaining faithful to the process God has laid out for you. Certainly there are significant and enjoyable mile markers along the way. But success is not the mile marker. Success is not the raise, promotion, recognition, Christian home, or wonderful children. Those are simply enjoyable mile markers along the way. Success is staying faithful to the process that contributed to those things becoming a reality. Unfortunately we often don’t consider ourselves successful until we experience the rewards.”

How does this fit into our situation?

We know that we belong at the top of the WHAC, we know that as a team we belong on the side of the walls outside out locker room, and we know we can outwork any team that steps on the field against us. Cornerstone University has a soccer team that is capable of anything that we put our minds to…IF we stay focused on the path, IF we continue to be diligent and intentional in working harder than we ever have before, IF we come to the realization that success is found in the work, not the reward.

Remember this spring when we all ran the mile…sure we all felt like the success was in the reward. “YES, we did it, we can all run the mile in under 5:30!” That was an insane mile marker for us as a team. It was an amazing win. BUT the real success was how every single day we were in that weight room busting our butts so we could reach that mile time we needed. Success was measured in the amount of sweat we had pouring down out bodies on a Tuesday afternoon after a hard day of classes. Success was found with our feet pounding on that treadmill with our eyes forward trying not to focus on the pain in our lungs. Success can be measured in any number of ways, but don’t let it focus on the reward, let success be what it really is; staying faithful to the process.

Gentlemen this summer we’re going to do the same thing we did in the spring; keep our eyes focused on an over-riding sense of purpose (definition below if you forgot). For the incoming freshman and transfers, I can assure you that during the Spring this team bought into an overriding sense of purpose. Join us in that process and you will experience the same.

Over-riding Sense of Purpose
“As a program we will strive to cultivate excellence in the spiritual, educational, physical, and soccer elements of each member of this program. We will challenge ourselves to play to the highest capacity and potential. Our over-riding sense of purpose is not about winning. Our over-riding sense of purpose forces to us define success in terms of what our team needs. It allows us to transform our dreams of greatness and excellence into the reality of achievement through our actions. It is our foundation and it guides our decisions and allows us to emphasize what is important. It is based on the following non-negotiable principles and once this purpose is fully accepted, it will color every aspect of our program.”

Remember, moving forward that as we strive to cultivate excellence in the spiritual, educational, physical, and soccer elements of each member of this team we don’t forget the process. We work hard at staying on the road that Christ has laid out for us, we measure success based on what it really is, and realize that: WE KNOW WHERE WE BELONG…IT’S JUST GOING TO TAKE TIME!

Love you guys.
-Caleb Colp

Here is the link that Advancement has developed for our trip and scarves. Once Advancement activates the link (hopefully next week), you will direct everyone interested in making a donation to this site. All of the money raised for the 2015 Scarves will go directly to funding the trip. Advancement will mail

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