Posted by : ENCUnited
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Begin work while others are making Excuses
Work while others are Wishing
Persist while others are Quitting.
Success is a Choice
Communicate Effectively
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni
is teamwork that remains the ultimate competitive advantage.
A fractured team
is just like a broken arm or leg; fixing it is always painful, and sometimes
you have to re-break it to make it heal correctly. The re-break hurts a lot
more than the initial break, because you have to do it on purpose. Issues that
are preventing people from acting like a team need to be addressed. Trust is
the foundation of real teamwork. Great teams do not hold back with one another,
they air dirty laundry, admit mistakes, weaknesses and concerns without fear of
reprisal. Signs of a trust problem: lack of debate during staff meetings and
other interactions among the team. Teamwork begins by building trust. The only
way to do that is to overcome the need for invulnerability. A team is not a collection of
individuals who are foremost interested in enhancing his or her individual
status or ego. The key is to make the collective ego greater than the
individual ones. “
Two of the most
significant dysfunctions for us specifically that Lencioni describes in his
book are, Fear of Conflict and Avoidance
of Accoutability. In order for us to be a team, we have to be able to solve
the issues we currently have in our locker room. We have to be able to
communicate effectively in order for us to solve those issues and move forward.
This has to start in now. Poor communication has allowed the Fear of Conflict and Avoidance of Accountability
to erode the character of our program. Effective Commuication has to be high on
the priority list for the 2013 team.
“Fear of
All great relationships,
the ones that last over time, require productive conflict in order to grow. It
is important to distinguish productive ideological conflict from destructive
fighting and interpersonal politics. Ideological conflict is limited to concepts
and ideas and avoids personality-focused, mean-spirited attacks. Still it can
have passion, emotion and frustration.
To engage in productive conflict has one
purpose – to produce the best possible solution in the shortest period of
Teams that avoid ideological conflict often do so in order to avoid
hurting team members ́ feelings and then end up encouraging dangerous tension.
Healthy conflict is a time saver.
for overcoming Fear of Conflict:
must acknowledge that conflict is productive.
must have courage and confidence to call out sensitive issues and force team
work through them
requires a degree of objectivity during meetings and a commitment to staying
with the conflict until
it is resolved
must real-time permission – don ́t retreat from healthy debate, especially
members when conflict becomes uncomfortable with the level of discord; give
participants the confidence to continue; that drains tension from a productive
but difficult interchange. Once the discussion has ended remind the
participants that
the conflict they just engaged in is good for the team!
difficult challenge for the leader is the desire to protect members from harm.
This leads to premature interruption of disagreements and prevents team members
from developing coping skills for dealing with conflict themselves. By
depriving the participants of an opportunity to develop conflict management
skills the relationships will be strained more. Therefore: leaders must demonstrate
restraint when their people engage in conflict and allow resolution to occur
naturally. Essential is also the leaders ́ ability to personally model
appropriate conflict behavior.
Teams that engage in conflict:
· These teams have lively,
interesting meetings
· These teams extract and
exploit the ideas of all team members
· These teams solve real
problems quickly
· These teams minimize
· These teams put critical
topics on the table for discussion “
of accountability
Accountability is the willingness of team members to call
their peers on performance or behaviors that might hurt the team. The essence
of this dysfunction: the unwillingness of team members to tolerate the
interpersonal discomfort. Great fear of jeopardizing a valuable personal
Members of great teams improve their relationships by
holding one another accountable, thus demonstrating that they respect each
other and have high expectations for one another’s performance. Peer pressure
is the most effective means for maintaining high standards of performance.
that holds one another accountable:
· Ensures that poor
performers feel pressure to improve
· Identifies potential
problems quickly by questioning one anothers approaches
without hesitation
· Establishes respect
among team members who are held to the same high standards
· Avoids excessive
bureaucracy around performance management and corrective action”

Monday: 6 minute
Test-Record the Distance-Do not send me the Distances or Heart Rate
6-minute time trial should be done on a track. Divide the total distance you
run in 6 minutes by 12 to get the distance covered per 30 seconds. Suppose you
run 1,800 meters in your 6-minute time trial. One 12th of this distance is 150 meters.
This is roughly how far you should run your hard 30-second intervals in your
30-30 workouts on Wednesday. 75 meters would be your recovery for 30 sec.
Tuesday-Tabata Workout:
The Tabata Interval is 20 seconds of
work followed by 10 seconds of rest for
8 intervals.
Tabata Score is the least number of reps performed in any of the eight intervals.
Tabata Score is the least number of reps performed in any of the eight intervals.
Repeat Interval 8
times-record number of reps for each exercise.
Tabata Air Squat
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Burpee
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Push-up
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Sit-up
Wednesday: 30-30 Workout-Please use Heart Rate Monitor
for this workout. Your Target Heart Rate is 220-your age x 90%, which should
put all of you in the 180 beats per minute range. I f you do not have a Heart
Rate Monitor than you will need to learn to take your Heart Rate manually.
session comprises of:
seconds at 100% of vVO2max
seconds recover at 50% of vVO2max
This cycle
is repeated for as long as the 30 seconds at 100% vVO2max can be sustained.
Based on
achieving 1800m in the 6 minute run, then in 30 seconds you can cover 150
metres. The 30-30 session would comprise of 150 metres in 30 seconds followed
by 75 metres in 30 seconds. This is repeated until you are unable to maintain
the 150 metres in 30 seconds.
The 30
seconds at 100% vVO2max is important, as this is the element from which the
gains in fitness will be achieved. The recoveries need to be run slowly and
reasonably close to 50% vVO2max.
Run 2 mile (personal best
BODY CIRCUIT TRAINING: Each exercise is to be performed
for 45 seconds with a 30 second rest in between exercises. Do 2 rotations of
the assigned body circuit with a 3 minute rest in between circuits
Squat Jumps
Lunges – alternate legs.
Bicycle crunches - hands behind head, legs off the ground,
opposite elbow to knee.
Push ups
Broad jumps – jump as far out as you can. Yes for 45
Bench dips – hands on a bench or chair, feet straight out
on the floor, lower yourself until upper arm is parallel with the floor
Burpees – jump, hands on ground, extend your legs into a push up
position, legs back to chest, jump.
Clap Pushups
Hip ups – lie on your back, legs straight up in the air, shoot your
hips to the ceiling.
10.Paratrooper Jumps – right foot in front,
left foot back, jump as high as possible and alternate feet – 20 jumps
11.Mountain Climbers – keep knee over your
the length of a soccer field (approx. 120 yards). You must run
120 yards in 18 seconds, (running to the other side of the field). You then
have the remaining minute (42 seconds) to run back to the starting point.
This is then repeated 10 times. After the 4th and
7th run, you get an extra 20 second rest.
The secret of success
of every man who has ever been successful—- lies in the fact that he formed the
habit of doing things that failures don’t like to do. Albert Grey